

All grooms include:

Nail trim and file

Ear cleanse-- some breeds require ear hair removal and is provided with the groom if requested. I do recommend having this done so cleansing of the ear can be performed properly. If your dog has an infection, this service will not be provided until the infection is cleared up.

Sanitary clip- shaving of the private areas

Pads of feet are clipped and cleaned of hair

Clipping, scissoring of the coat to breed standard or owner preference

Bathing, shampoo and conditioner

Anal glands can be expressed in the tub at owners request

Full dry with stand up dryer or HV, there is no cage drying in our shop

Bandana upon completion



dog grooming2


This service includes a full brush out of coat or de-shedding

Nail trim and file

Ear cleanse

Trim of hair in between the toes and feet cleaned up

Anal glands expressed if requested

Shampoo, conditioner

Fluff dry with HV or stand dryer

Bandana upon completion

dog grooming


All baths include:

Nail trim and file

Ear cleanse

Shampoo and conditioner

Full dry

Bandana upon completion